Autumn Equinox Drink Recipes
For those in the Southern Hemisphere, Mabon is almost here! Celebrate the bounty of the second harvest with a delicious mabon mocktail or cocktail. From juicy blackberry herbal drinks, to ones with maple and pumpkin, these Autumn/Fall and Mabon Drink recipes are perfect for celebrating the transition into the darker months of the year.
A Throat Energy Center Cocktail Recipe for Mercury Retrograde
Sip away the mercury retrograde blues and enhance your communication with this throat energy center cocktail recipe. With mint, lemon and elderflower, this refreshing mercury retrograde cocktail is sure to bring calm to the mind, and clear your energy (especially after a long day!).
Aquarius Drink and Cocktail Recipes for the Aquarius Moon
Whether looking for cocktail or mocktail to celebrate your own Aquarius sun or moon, or to call down the moon, drink in true cup-bearer style with these Aquarius cocktails, and invoke the cleansing, innovative, and liberating energies of the Aquarius Moon.
Lughnasadh & Lammas Drink Recipes
Celebrate the first harvest with these Lammas drink recipes. With libations packed with harvest ingredients to celebrate this occasion, these Lughnasadh recipes are sure to fuel your Lammas ideas and rituals with abundance, gratitude, and blessings.
Lughnasadh Beer Cocktail
Lavish your tongue this Lammas and Lughnasadh with this beer cocktail. What better way to celebrate the grain harvest, than with wheat beer, bourbon, and brandy concoction to sip in the abundance, power, and cleansing energies of this time
Drink Recipes for Imbolc
Imbibe the cleansing, renewing energy of Imbolc with these Candlemas drink recipes. From lemon centric herbal concoctions, to warming, insightful beverages, these Imbolc recipes are sure to welcome the return of the light.
7 Leo Drink Recipes for the Leo New Moon & Sun
Call down the Leo New Moon and Sun with these Leo Recipes for luscious drinks! Bath in the lavish Leo lunar light and spark your creativity, confidence, and excitement with these Leo recipes.