Sippable Sabbats

Maple & Rose

With seasonal strawberry for love, harmony, and luck, peach for happiness and health, and maple for love, wellness, and abundance – this rum concoction is a juicy and luscious concoction to inspire creativity, love, and happiness with every sip.

Energies: Creativity, Happiness, Love, Lust

Celebrate the excitement of Spring and the return of the sun, with this peach, strawberry, and maple rum concoction! With peach for happiness, strawberry for invoking luck and harmony, and Wytchwood’s Aphrodite Maple for love, wellness, and abundance – this concoction is a juicy, easily addicting concoction to celebrate the seasonal flavors and energies. Topped with jovial lemon, the elevating and creative energies of orange liqueur, and grounded by the dark rum, Maple & Rose is just the Beltane drink to light your inner creative and sensual fires.

For this delightful drink, I use the Aphrodite Maple Syrup from Wytchwood (which is flavored with rose and cardamom) to complement the death of the dark spiced Kraken rum I used. Besides the fact that this maple syrup adds in extra loving energies of rose and cardamom, it is SUPERBLY delicious and has transformed my opinion of how dynamic and flavorful (and magical) maple syrup can be. I HIGHLY recommend it!

Maple & Rose

A peach, maple, rose, and strawberry rum concoction to celebrate the spring, and coming of summer for creativity, love, and happiness!


  • 1 quarter slice peach
  • 2-4 slices strawberry
  • 1/2 ounce WytchWood Aphrodite Rose & Cardamom Maple Syrup
  • 4 drops/dashes rosewater
  • 3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice
  • 1.5 ounces dark rum (skip for nonalcoholic version)
  • 1/8 – 1/4 ounce triple sec/orange liqueur (skip for nonalcoholic version)
  • 1 strawberry cut like a rose (for snackable garnish!)
  • 1 slice peach (for garnish – shape like a moon if desired)


  • In the bottom of your shaker, add peach, strawberry, maple syrup, and rosewater. Muddle these ingredients together, then add in lemon juice, dark rum, and triple sec. Add ice, shake, and dump into bucket glass. Garnish with rose-cut strawberry and peach slice.


For a mocktail version, simply make without alcohol! Honestly, it is just as luscious and delightful. You can replace the triple sec with a orange peel or slice if you like, although I do not suggest adding orange juice to this concoction.
Also feel free to add 1/8-1/4 elderflower liqueur to this concoction if you desire. Be sure to add to taste – it can quickly become overwhelming.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Ingredient Alignment

Lemon (Moon, Water) – Creativity, Fidelity, Friendship, Happiness, Joy, Longevity, Love, Purification

Maple (Jupiter, Air, Earth) – Love, Longevity, Money

Orange (Sun, Fire) – Love, Divination, Luck, Money, Beauty, Purification, Creativity/Inspiration

Peach (Venus, Water) – Love, Health, Happiness, Wisdom, Purification, Fertility

Rose (Venus, Water) – Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, Protection

Strawberry (Venus) – Love, harmony, Divination, Good luck

Sugarcane (Venus, Water) – Love, Lust

Works Cited

Here are the resources I used to help guide my work beyond what I already know! I highly recommend these reference tests 🙂

Disclaimer: In order to support in my work bringing you this information each week, on occasion I may earn a small commission from endorsements, recommendations, or links to any products from this website. These are links to actual products and resources I use and suggest.

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