Pisces Moon Drink Recipes
To support and maintain the work I do on this blog, this post contains Amazon or other affiliate links to products I use and suggest. As an Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting me and my blog! What better way to celebrate the moon in watery Pisces, than with a…
A Fig & Maple Sour: Harvest Moon Drink Recipe
Sip in the flavors of the transition from bright summer to crisp fall, with this deeply soothing, rejuvenating, and sensual fig and maple vodka cocktail. Using summer herbs like lavender, sage, and brightening lemon citrus, and fall spices like nutmeg, anise, and even woodsy maple, this juicy fig concoction is sure to inspire your inner fire of inspiration. Combining the…
Beltane Recipes: Cocktails, Mocktails, and Drinks to Celebrate
Celebrate Beltane, May Day, and spring with some luscious concoctions for beauty, love, happiness, and abundance.
The Enchanted Garden
A crisp, light, and floral concoction to celebrate the Spring flowers for peace, beauty, and love! With cucumber, basil, rose liqueur, and honey, this vodka concoction is inspired by the youthful, elegant, beauty of Spring.
Maple & Rose
If looking to celebrate Beltane & the coming of summer, with creativity, love, and happiness, this Maple & Rose concoction is for you! With seasonal strawberry for love, harmony, and luck, peach for happiness and health, and maple for love, wellness, and abundance - this rum concoction is a juicy and luscious concoction to enjoy the passing of seasons.
The Painted Lady
A floral, balanced, refreshing sour variation with rye whiskey, rose, orange notes, and red wine! Inspired by tattoos, with the energy of creativity, rebirth, beauty, and celebrating the physical.
Scorpio Moon Smash
Celebrate the dynamic energy of the sensual, powerful, transformative Scorpio Moon with this Scorpio Moon Smash. With blackberry, mint, basil, ginger, orange, whiskey, and dark rum, this is a refreshing and juicy concoction for some Scorpio-inspired intimacy, truth, and abundance.