Luna in Libra: A Libra Moon Drink

Sip up the harmony, balance, and insight of the moon in Libra with this grape, lemon, apple, and rose Libra moon drink. Whether your moon sign is in Libra, the full moon or new moon is traveling through this sign, or you’re calling down the Libra waxing or waning moon, this Libra moon drink will have you feeling the harmonious energy of this sign.
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A Libra Moon Drink
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Imbibe the luscious, balancing energies of the Libra Moon with this apple brandy, herbal Libra Moon Drink. Seasonal apple flavors takes the center stage in this brandy cocktail, complimented by uplifting orange and balancing grape. Aligned to the Libra Moon for Wisdom, Longevity, Harmony, and Loving energies, this Luna in Libra Moon drink (with cocktail and nonalcoholic options!) will have you creating a fresh start of balance under the Libra Moon energies.
If you are looking for more recipes for the Libra New Moon, check out my Libra New Moon Drink blog here.
Ingredients for the Luna in Libra Moon drink
When it comes to magical mixology, each ingredient has a role to play in this Libra Moon drink! In this section, I go over the meaning, associations, and magical beliefs around each ingredient. Read on to uncover why each ingredient is included in this recipe, or skip to the recipes down below.
What better ingredient to use to calm, cleanse and bring peace to the mind, than fresh garden rosemary? Associated in magical folklore with the element of air (and with a name meaning “dew of the sea”), the scent of this Mediterranean herb is often used to enhance memory and relax the mind. It makes the perfect addition to attune to the element of air, to invoke calm and peace of both Libra and the moon-ruled sea!
For this recipe, I used “Moon Drop” grapes – a fitting ingredient for a Libra Moon drink! In a pinch, I imagine any deep purple grape will do. From wineries both ancient and modern harvesting grapes in rhythm with this astrological body, grapes are associated with the moon, and correspond to themes of abundance, powers of the mind (think Dionysus and drinking wine to commune with the gods), and growing magic of all kinds.
- Cocktail Syrup
When I made this blog a while back, I originally made this Luna in Libra Simple Syrup recipe specifically for this drink! You can whip it up in minutes, and easily modify it according to your needs (I’ve since made other version of this syrup, with just rose and vanilla, or you can even do a plain old vanilla simple syrup – forgoing the other ingredients). To make this syrup, you will want to steep 1 tablespoon dried rose petals, 1-inch vanilla bean slice, and 1 rosemary sprig in 1/2 cup hot water (like a tea). Then, stir in 1/2 cup sugar after 5 minutes. You can let it sit longer if you like, or strain as you use right away!
With rose petals, a rosemary sprig, and vanilla bean, this Luna in Libra Simple Syrup Recipe is designed to inspire loving peace and harmony, and the rose flavors meld together seamlessly in this grape and lemon spritzer.
Adding the aroma and uplifting energy of the (nonalcoholic) distilled essence of rose, food-quality rose water helps add a heightening aroma and bouquet to our Libra Moon drink, that blends well with the orange liqueur you’ll use later (for the Libra cocktail version). While food quality rose water add a more floral higher tasting note compared to the more herbal flavors or rose in the tea, I imagine you can forego this if using rose in the syrup, and in a pinch.
Associated with the planet Venus (the astrological ruler of Libra), rose is used for all manor of magical intentions, such as: healing, love, harmony, and psychic/spiritual enhancement.
- Fresh Lemon Juice
Balancing (in true Libra fashion) the sweetness of concoction, we have moon-associated lemon. As I am sure you can tell from all the lemon-themed cleansing products, this citrus adds a cleansing and revitalizing lunar energy to this Libra moon drink. Lemon is also a popular ingredient in baking, from lemon bars and pies, for inducing joy, fidelity, and love. A perfect ingredient to cleanse the mind, and invite happiness and make way for harmony!
I always suggest use freshly lemon juice. I personally use this hand juicer when making just a small handful of drinks, or an electric juicer like this one when I want to prep more for a little harvest party cocktail.
- Apple Brandy or Apple Juice (for N/A version)
The base alcohol for this drink is going to be apple brandy, or apply juice if doing the nonalcoholic version. I usually use EJ brand apple brandy like this one, as I am often working on a budget, and it does pretty well! Apple is associated with Venus (again, the ruling planet of Libra in astrology), with corresponding energies of healing, love, wisdom, magic, and abundance. It is the perfect comforting ingredient to add to this concoction, as Libra certainly can appreciate the comforts in life!
During the pandemic, I was looking for ways to get alcohol delivered (being stuck at home) and stumbled across Drizly. If you need something delivered fast and efficiently, here is the link for it:
From triple sec, to curacao, and brand staples such as cointreau and Gran Marnier, orange liqueurs have become a staple in the bartending world. From drinking your morning OJ and their bright, vibrant color, oranges are a staple for boosting the mood! In magical folklore, they are often associated with themes like inspiration, luck, and wellbeing as well. I personally use Cointreau most of the time, and while not 100% the same, you can often use triple instead.
The final ingredient for this recipe, we will be topping off this drink with some soda water! What’s a Libra moon drink without some bubbles?
- Tools (With links to tools I recommend)
To make this drink, you may need a few tools – but as always, there’s no need to break the bank! We can improvise where needed 🙂
For this drink, I personally use a traditional Boston shaker. However, you can try and improvise with tools you have at home to save money, like a mason jar, or perhaps even simply ‘rolling’ or pouring the drink from one glass to another and back, to mix it properly. You will also need a jigger to measure ounces, or you can converting ounces to table- and teaspoons and use your average kitchen measuring set.
To mash the grapes, you will need a muddler like this or a wooden spoon you can use to break them down. And finally, you may want to use a strain such as this hawthorn strainer, to strain out the bits of grape, (but you can also keep those in, and have them as a little snack at the bottom of your glass!).
Now that you have all the tools and ingredients, let’s move onto the cocktail and mocktail version of the Libra Moon Drink recipe. (Scroll to the appropriate one)
Luna in Libra: Cocktail Version
Energetic Alignment: Love, Longevity, Fertility, Wisdom

Luna in Libra
- 1 sprig rosemary
- 4 grapes (I used Moon Drop grapes)
- 1/2 ounce New Moon in Libra Simple Syrup (recipe below)
- 4 dashes rosewater (optonal)
- 3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 ounce orange liqueur (for example, cointreu, gran marnier, triple sec)
- 1 ounce apple brandy (I used EJ Apple brandy. You can also play with mixing in a bit of whiskey or bourbon)
- 1 ounce soda water
- In a cocktail shaker, firmly muddle rosemary and grapes in the syrup and rosewater. As you do so, visualize yourself stamping out imbalance in favor of more balance in your life. Add in lemon, orange liqueur, and apple brandy. Add ice, and shake firmly. Strain into a highball glass over ice. Top with soda water to taste.
Luna in Libra: Nonalcoholic Version

Just as delicious as the cocktail version, this moon mocktail is a lovely libation for these lunar energies.

Libra New Moon Mocktail
- 1 sprig rosemary
- 4 grapes (I used Moon Drop Grapes)
- 1/2 ounce Libra new moon simsple syrup (see below, or use simple syrup of choice (1:1 ratio sugar to water))
- 3/4 ounce lemon
- 1-1.5 ounces apple juice
- Firmly muddle rosemary and grapes in syrup, in the bottom of a cocktail shaker. Add in lemon and apple juice, ice, then shake and strain into a glass over ice. Enjoy!

Luna in Libra Simple Syrup
- 1 tbsp dried rose petals
- 1 sprig rosemary
- 1/4-1/2 inch vanilla bean
- 1/2 cup hot water
- 1/2 cup sugar
- Set water to boil. Meanwhile, collect your ingredients in an appropriate mason jar. Spend a moment breathing in the powerful aromas and energies of these ingredients. Pour the hot water over the ingredients, steep for 5 minutes, then add in sugar. Stir and let cool. Refrigerate over night if possible, to give vanilla and rose extra time to infuse. Otherwise, strain before use. Refrigerate and use for up to about 3 weeks.
Works Cited
Here are the resources I used to help guide my work beyond what I already know! I highly recommend these reference tests 🙂
Disclaimer: In order to support in my work bringing you this information each week, on occasion I may earn a small commission from endorsements, recommendations, or links to any products from this website. These are links to actual products and resources I use and suggest.
- Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen. Llewellyn Publications, 1990.
- Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn Publications, 1985.
- Kynes, Sandra. Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences: A Comprehensive Cross-Referenced Resource for Pagans & Wiccans. Llewellyn, 2013.
Disclaimer: The content on this website is intended for fun and informational purposes only. It is not intended as, nor should it be, considered a substitute for professional medical advice, suggestions, diagnosis, or treatment of any kind. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgement. You assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions.

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