The Witch’s Brew: Jupiter, Gin & Juice
Feeling the expansive energy of this past week?

This past Saturday Aug 18, Jupiter and Neptune sync’d up (also known as a trine) in Scorpio and Pisces. What does this mean? Well – it means we have a lot of exciting creative, spiritual energy going on: lots of growth and projects! Which also means, you might feel overwhelmed, or grow a bit lazy, in response.
So, when Jack Ashina from Jack of Wands challenged me to make a cocktail for this occasion, I was eager to accept!
Let me present~
Jupiter, Gin, & Juice
An herbal, berry punch-esq drink, topped with bubbly water. Astrologically associated with the Jupiter/Scorpio and Neptune/Pisces energy of this trine, plus a touch of grounding energy to balance out the negative effects.
1-2 blackberries (muddled)
Jasmine Infused gin
Pomegranate saffron syrup
Plenty of Lemon – to add a nice citrus bite
A tad of anise liqueur
-> add ice to shaker, shake
-> double stain, add ice to collins glass
Top with soda water
Garnish with lemon circles to represent the rings of Jupiter, and a star anise!
I hope this trine had a positive effect for all you! And remember to come by Bar 41 in Oakland, weekend 12-6 to try my weekly mystical beverages 🙂